Prompt Engineering 101

2 minute read
Artist: Midjourney AI

The Evolution of Effective Prompts

As an avid coder, I initially found myself writing long, elaborate prompts when using language models like GPT-4. I would paste entire code blocks and detailed text, expecting the AI to wade through it all and produce the perfect response. However, over time, I discovered a more efficient approach to leveraging this powerful tool.

From Lengthy Prompts to Concise Commands

In the beginning, my prompts were extensive. I believed that providing every minute detail would lead to better outcomes. For instance, when I needed help with a piece of code, I would include the entire code block, a thorough explanation of the problem, and the desired outcome.

Yet, through trial and error, I learned that brevity and clarity often yielded better results. Instead of overwhelming the AI with information, I began to focus on concise and clear prompts. Here are a few examples of how my approach evolved:

Old Approach: css Copy code Here is a snippet of my code. I’m trying to achieve X, but it’s giving me Y error. Can you help me fix it? New Approach: javascript Copy code Rewrite this function for clarity: “function code” The Power of Specific Instructions I found that specific instructions worked wonders. For example, instead of pasting a whole paragraph and asking for improvements, I would simply request:

“Rewrite in a sarcastic tone: " “Proofread for grammatical errors: " “Check this code for errors: " These concise commands not only made my interactions with GPT-4 more efficient but also resulted in clearer and more precise responses.

Learning to Code with GPT-4: A Retrospective

Reflecting on my journey of learning to code with GPT-4, I realized that the process involved a continuous cycle of questioning and refining. Here’s a breakdown of my approach:

Look at Code: Start by examining the provided code or writing an initial version. Question: Identify areas of uncertainty or potential improvement. Learn: Use GPT-4 to seek explanations, alternatives, or solutions. Question Again: Review the AI’s response and ask follow-up questions if necessary. Refactor: Incorporate the new knowledge to refine the code. Repeat: Continue this iterative process to progressively enhance the code. This method of iterative questioning and learning transformed my coding practice. By breaking down complex problems into manageable queries and continuously refining my prompts, I was able to harness the full potential of GPT-4 to enhance my coding skills.


Prompt engineering is a vital skill when working with advanced language models like GPT-4. Through concise and clear instructions, we can achieve more effective and precise outcomes. As I look back on my coding journey with GPT-4, the iterative process of questioning and refining has been invaluable. It’s a powerful reminder that sometimes, less is more, and clarity is key to unlocking the true potential of AI assistance.

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